Monday, December 6, 2010

Arsenic and Loud Commercials

NASA reveals arsenic-bred organisms, search for life gets broader parameters
  NASA found organisms that eat and live of of arsenic, this is amazing. Bio-warfare just got a lot more advanced. Imagine if we found these before the big arsenic scare a while back.

CALM Act approved by congress, should make TV commercials slightly less obnoxious
  Yes I was so tired of watching a quiet part of a movie on TV then all of a sudden "BLAM," a really loud commercial.

High-speed camera in motion can stop a commuter's heart
  I stumbled across this the other day, it is pretty awesome to watch.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wall Climbing and Airport Security

Clear security lanes reopen in Orlando, coming soon to Denver
  This is pretty cool, it allows you to skip the airport scanners and pretty much get right on your plane. There are a couple of things that should be altered before more global use, like the fingerprint scanner. You can easily fool a fingerprint scanner in many ways and there are videos out there to show you how.

SRI's electroadhesion tech enables new army of wall-climbing robots
  These types of robots aren't that new. I just wanted to show what kind of technology there is out there, and how easy it is to assemble. Eventually these robots will become a very common sight probably doing dangerous jobs like window cleaning and painting high up and others jobs.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Printed Car

The Ubree Hybrid is the first car to come out of a printer, presumably a big one
  3D printers are a fairly new technology and can be bought for personal use (they are very expensive). It is pretty awesome to think of a car being printed, and in theory could be printed in your home. If you want to see how 3D printing works or see some printers in action, head over to Youtube.

Augmented Reality
  Here is a good example of augmented reality; this technology is not new but it is definitely getting popular very quickly. Most people have a smartphone with an augmented reality feature/app, you should check to see if your phone does.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

3D War Tech

New helmet allow fighter pilots to peer through the jet
  This is awesome and I can see a lot of use for this with fighter pilots.

Samsung adds prescription lens option to active shutter 3D glasses
  I have prescription glasses and when I see a 3D movie I pretty mush have to hold the 3D glasses on. It gets very annoying and I love to watch 3D movies, I am very happy that Samsung finally made these glasses possible.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


  I found a couple podcasts that I liked about technology. Engadget Podcast, Current Science and Technology Podcast and Buzz Out Loud; all of the podcasts were free and pretty professional. The podcasts were about hour in length and stayed on topic of technology.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Zoom In On Sound

Squarehead Technology's amazing AudioScope lets you tune in the court, tune out the crowds
  This is pretty awesome, it could be used for so many different things. It is insanely precise and can be focused on different things. List a couple things the AudioScope would be useful for.

Smart specs unite world and data
  Augmented Reality has been around for a while, but now that it can run off of your phone, I think it will become way more popular than it has been. Simple because almost everyone has a smart phone and if more people become interested in AR, the cheaper the peripherals will become.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


  I am responding to a paper I read in for English, somewhat off topic from the blog. UAVs have are not a brand new thing they have been around for a while. There are not completely autonomous because someone has to fly/drive them, it has and can be related to playing a video game. But because they are controlled by humans there is no way that they could "turn against humans." Maybe one day when the technology becomes advanced enough to have the robots scan, verify and eliminate an enemy, they might turn against us, but I doubt it is gonna be like "iRobot" where robots have a brain, we are definitely not advanced enough to make that yet.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Super Wi-fi

US frees unused airwaves for 'super wi-fi' technology
  If this actually happens and is practical, it has a lot of potential. It could add more competition over hotspots and their prices, but if the government regulates these transmissions there could be some serious problems. What could you see this being used for?

Sony holding Google TV event on October 12
  I think this product will create more competition in the TV business and give people more options. Since it is Google's product expect major positive differences in which the cable companies will follow, but it is gonna be restricted right now because of the limited technology.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Trains and Record Players

I am still finding a lot of news about Apple's new products, but I have found some interesting snippets.

'Road Trains' get ready to roll
  I would love to see this happen, and it would save people a lot of fuel and time. If you are in one and you don't need to really pay attention to the road, you could do some work or talk on your phone. I doubt we will see one in America anytime soon, but I may be wrong.

Crosley goes way back, way forward with battery-powered USB turntable
  I would love to have one of these even at that price, because I have two record players but neither work. Also going retro seems to be the 'in' thing and I am on that bandwagon for sure.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 12

Most of the information I found while looking around was about new Apple products, because of the recent convention thing they did. I did find a few things interesting though, links below.

Microsoft anti-piracy efforts caught up in Russian political scandal
   I don't have a question for this one, I just find it interesting and I am definitely going to follow this story.

Artificial 'E-skin' may soon help robots 'Feel'
   Question: Can you think of any uses for this other than the obvious?

I am gonna post every week maybe multiple times a week. If you are following please comment and if you see any mistakes please report them.